Technology Stack

Why We Use Deno in Backend Services

Deno is widely used for our project's API. We build strong and efficient microservices with it to manage different parts of our application, such as:

  • API Services: Creating and managing endpoints for different functionalities.

  • Microservices: Developing feature-based services that are modular and scalable.

  • Server-side Processes: Handling server-side logic and interactions with other services.

How We Work with Deno

Our development process with Deno involves:

  • Feature-based Services: Each feature has its own microservice, which is isolated and task-focused. This makes the system modular and easier to manage.

  • Custom Build Scripts: Our custom scripts handle the build and deployment of over 70 repositories, automating the process for consistency and efficiency.

  • CI/CD Integration: We include Deno in our CI/CD pipeline to create a deployment-ready product, ensuring smooth integration and continuous delivery.

CodeThreat Web Services does not have any custom database connector, so we only support mongodb right now.

Integration and Tools

  • MongoDB

  • RabbitMQ

  • Azure Blob Storage


  • React

  • Tailwind CSS

Last updated