Cultural Fit Interview

The cultural fit interview at CodeThreat is a crucial step in ensuring that you’ll thrive in our environment. This interview is about 45-60 minutes long and focuses on your work style, values, and how you handle challenges.

What We Look For

  • Alignment with Values: We want to see if your values align with ours. Are you passionate about app sec? Do you value collaboration and transparency?

  • Work Style: How do you prefer to work? Are you comfortable with remote work? Do you thrive in a fast-paced, dynamic environment?

  • Handling Feedback and Challenges: How do you respond to feedback? Can you adapt to changing priorities and unexpected challenges? We’re looking for resilience and a growth mindset.

What to Expect

  • Open and Honest Conversation: We want to get a genuine sense of who you are. Be open about your preferences, strengths, and areas for growth.

  • Real Scenarios: We might discuss real scenarios you could face at CodeThreat and how you would handle them. This helps us understand your problem-solving approach and adaptability.

  • Two-Way Street: Just like the initial interview, this is a chance for you to ask questions about our culture, team dynamics, and anything else you’re curious about.

At CodeThreat, we believe in building a team that not only excels technically but also fits well with our culture and values. These interviews are designed to ensure that both you and CodeThreat will thrive together.

Last updated