Hiring and Onboarding

We see our interview process as the first step in creating a shared journey of success and innovation. Startups thrive when their team members work together effectively, and our interview process ensures that every new hire not only has the right skills but also fits well with our values and vision.

The Steps of Our Interview Process

  1. Initial Interview: This is a video call or phone interview where we discuss your background, career goals, and interest in CodeThreat. We want to see if you fit well with our company culture and the role's requirements.

  2. Technical Interview: For technical roles, this step assesses your problem-solving skills, coding abilities, and technical knowledge. It includes coding challenges, project discussions, and, for senior roles, system design exercises.

  3. Cultural Fit Interview: This interview checks if you align with our values and work culture. We discuss your work principles, preferred work style, and how you handle feedback and challenges.

Why We Do It

Setting clear expectations from the beginning is really important for general life health. We aim to understand if candidates can handle remote work, the fast-paced nature of a startup, and the technical challenges they might face. We want to make sure that our new team members are not just capable but also comfortable with our working style.

Building Our Story Together

We are committed to creating an environment where every team member feels valued, challenged, and inspired to give their best. Our interview process is the first step in this journey, ensuring that every new hire is a perfect fit for our team and our vision.

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