Availability and Absence

Every team member, whether a C-level executive or a new joiner, understands the importance of accountability to one another. When someone is absent or unreachable, it is crucial to inform the team. This allows colleagues to quickly understand the situation and redirect their efforts, ensuring no time is wasted. For us, every minute each team member spends is valuable.

Levels of Absence

Absences can be categorized into several levels based on their nature and urgency:

  1. Mandatory Delays: These might include unforeseen delays due to technical issues or external factors beyond control.

  2. Family Emergencies: Situations that require immediate attention and presence, such as family health crises or urgent personal matters.

  3. Health-Related Absences: Instances where the team member is unwell or needs medical attention, impacting their ability to work.

  4. Bureaucratic Situations: Necessary engagements with legal, governmental, or bureaucratic entities that cannot be postponed.

Communicating Absences

  • Updates: Regularly inform the team about any changes or extensions to your absence.

  • Expected Duration: Share how long you'll be away to help with planning and task redistribution.

  • Immediate Notification: Inform the team right away through our communication channels if you know you'll be unavailable. This way, everyone can adjust their plans.

Accountability and Team Spirit

Maintaining Team Integrity: By tracking absences, we protect the rights of all team members and support the group's overall benefit. This promotes shared responsibility and commitment to team goals.

Compensating for Long Absences: If someone is away for a long time, they need to make up for the lost time to keep the team's progress and sprint on track.

Our approach to attendance is based on trust and respect for personal situations while focusing on team unity and productivity. Clear communication and shared responsibility are key to our success, helping us handle challenges efficiently and maintain high performance.

Last updated