Sprint Planning

This section elaborates on the process and strategies involved in sprint planning within the CodeThreat team. Effective sprint planning is vital for aligning the team's efforts with product goals and ensuring manageable workloads.


Backlog Grooming: Before the sprint planning meeting, ensure that the product backlog is up to date, with tasks clearly defined and prioritized using the MoSCoW method.

Objective Setting

Define clear objectives for the upcoming sprint, aligning with overall product roadmaps and current priorities.

Sprint Planning Meeting

Conducted at the beginning of each two-week sprint cycle.

The team reviews the prioritized backlog and selects tasks for the sprint, ensuring a manageable scope considering the team's capacity and sprint goals.

Each task selected for the sprint is discussed to clarify understanding and expectations. Assign initial owners for each task.

Sprint Goals

Establish clear, achievable goals for the sprint that contribute to the larger objectives of the product.

Goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

Capacity Planning

Evaluate the team's available capacity for the sprint, considering holidays, planned absences, and other commitments.

Assign tasks based on capacity, ensuring no team member is overburdened.

Resource Allocation

Ensure that necessary resources, such as access to tools, platforms, and information, are available to team members to complete their tasks.


At the end of the sprint planning session, each team member should have a clear understanding of their responsibilities and deliverables.

The team collectively commits to the sprint goals, fostering a sense of ownership and accountability.

Last updated