Remote Work

Daily Work Routine: Our daily work routine runs from 9 AM to 6 PM UTC+3. This schedule aligns with our two-week sprints and ensures consistent communication and productivity. Unless there is a holiday, official event, or significant change, these hours remain constant.

Core Hours and Flexibility: Core hours from 10 AM to 4 PM local time are designated for essential meetings and collaborative work. This ensures that team members across different time zones can connect effectively. Outside of these hours, employees manage their schedules to balance work and personal commitments.

Office Days: Occasionally, we designate specific days as office days where the team can work together in person. These sessions are scheduled periodically to foster collaboration, build team spirit, and facilitate face-to-face interactions.

Ensuring the effectiveness of remote work at CodeThreat requires discipline, adherence to plans, and frequent written communication. Given the nature of our startup environment, asynchronous work is sometimes necessary. It is essential to maintain healthy and accurate communication through task management systems and our communication channels.

Written Communication: Frequent and clear written communication is vital. This includes updates through task management tools and active participation in communication channels. Written communication helps bridge the gaps caused by different time zones and varying work schedules.

Asynchronous Work: There are times when team members may not be active simultaneously. Embracing asynchronous work allows for flexibility and ensures that progress continues even when some members are unavailable.

Last updated