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CodeThreat Handbook

Version: 1.2.0

Here, you'll find essential information about our company values, team structure, policies, and practices. Whether you're a new team member or looking to refresh your knowledge, this handbook is designed to provide you with the information you need to thrive at CodeThreat.

Our team dynamics evolves with us. As our teams grows and industry standards change, we regularly update this manual to ensure it remains a relevant and valuable resource for our team. We conduct monthly reviews to incorporate feedback, add new sections, and revise existing content to reflect our current practices and policies.

Revision List
  • Version 1.0.0 (07/10/2024): Initial release of the CodeThreat Handbook, covering all major sections and initial product concepts.

  • Version 1.1.0 (07/16/2024): Added - Company Policies

  • Version 1.2.0 (07/25/2024): Added - Hiring

We encourage you to explore each section of this handbook and reach out if you have any questions or suggestions. This manual is designed to be a living document, evolving with our team and the challeges we face. Your feedback is crucial in ensuring it remains a valuable resource for everyone at CodeThreat.

Let's Get Started!

Last updated